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var dataSet = [
    [ "Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh", "5421", "2011/04/25", "$320,800" ],
    [ "Garrett Winters", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "8422", "2011/07/25", "$170,750" ],
    [ "Ashton Cox", "Junior Technical Author", "San Francisco", "1562", "2009/01/12", "$86,000" ],
    [ "Cedric Kelly", "Senior Javascript Developer", "Edinburgh", "6224", "2012/03/29", "$433,060" ],
    [ "Airi Satou", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "5407", "2008/11/28", "$162,700" ],
    [ "Brielle Williamson", "Integration Specialist", "New York", "4804", "2012/12/02", "$372,000" ],
    [ "Herrod Chandler", "Sales Assistant", "San Francisco", "9608", "2012/08/06", "$137,500" ],
    [ "Rhona Davidson", "Integration Specialist", "Tokyo", "6200", "2010/10/14", "$327,900" ],
    [ "Colleen Hurst", "Javascript Developer", "San Francisco", "2360", "2009/09/15", "$205,500" ],
    [ "Sonya Frost", "Software Engineer", "Edinburgh", "1667", "2008/12/13", "$103,600" ],
    [ "Jena Gaines", "Office Manager", "London", "3814", "2008/12/19", "$90,560" ],
    [ "Quinn Flynn", "Support Lead", "Edinburgh", "9497", "2013/03/03", "$342,000" ],
    [ "Charde Marshall", "Regional Director", "San Francisco", "6741", "2008/10/16", "$470,600" ],
    [ "Haley Kennedy", "Senior Marketing Designer", "London", "3597", "2012/12/18", "$313,500" ],
    [ "Tatyana Fitzpatrick", "Regional Director", "London", "1965", "2010/03/17", "$385,750" ],
    [ "Michael Silva", "Marketing Designer", "London", "1581", "2012/11/27", "$198,500" ],
    [ "Paul Byrd", "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "New York", "3059", "2010/06/09", "$725,000" ],
    [ "Gloria Little", "Systems Administrator", "New York", "1721", "2009/04/10", "$237,500" ],
    [ "Bradley Greer", "Software Engineer", "London", "2558", "2012/10/13", "$132,000" ],
    [ "Dai Rios", "Personnel Lead", "Edinburgh", "2290", "2012/09/26", "$217,500" ],
    [ "Jenette Caldwell", "Development Lead", "New York", "1937", "2011/09/03", "$345,000" ],
    [ "Yuri Berry", "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)", "New York", "6154", "2009/06/25", "$675,000" ],
    [ "Caesar Vance", "Pre-Sales Support", "New York", "8330", "2011/12/12", "$106,450" ],
    [ "Doris Wilder", "Sales Assistant", "Sidney", "3023", "2010/09/20", "$85,600" ],
    [ "Angelica Ramos", "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "London", "5797", "2009/10/09", "$1,200,000" ],
    [ "Gavin Joyce", "Developer", "Edinburgh", "8822", "2010/12/22", "$92,575" ],
    [ "Jennifer Chang", "Regional Director", "Singapore", "9239", "2010/11/14", "$357,650" ],
    [ "Brenden Wagner", "Software Engineer", "San Francisco", "1314", "2011/06/07", "$206,850" ],
    [ "Fiona Green", "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "San Francisco", "2947", "2010/03/11", "$850,000" ],
    [ "Shou Itou", "Regional Marketing", "Tokyo", "8899", "2011/08/14", "$163,000" ],
    [ "Michelle House", "Integration Specialist", "Sidney", "2769", "2011/06/02", "$95,400" ],
    [ "Suki Burks", "Developer", "London", "6832", "2009/10/22", "$114,500" ],
    [ "Prescott Bartlett", "Technical Author", "London", "3606", "2011/05/07", "$145,000" ],
    [ "Gavin Cortez", "Team Leader", "San Francisco", "2860", "2008/10/26", "$235,500" ],
    [ "Martena Mccray", "Post-Sales support", "Edinburgh", "8240", "2011/03/09", "$324,050" ],
    [ "Unity Butler", "Marketing Designer", "San Francisco", "5384", "2009/12/09", "$85,675" ]

$(document).ready(function() {
	$('#example').DataTable( {
		data: dataSet,
		columns: [
			{ title: "Name" },
			{ title: "Position" },
			{ title: "Office" },
			{ title: "Extn." },
			{ title: "Start date" },
			{ title: "Salary" }
	} );
} );

<body class="dt-example">
	<div class="container">
			<h1>DataTables example <span>Javascript sourced data</span></h1>
			<div class="info">
				<p>At times you will wish to be able to create a table from dynamic information passed directly to DataTables, rather than having it read from the document. This
				is achieved using the <a href="//datatables.net/reference/option/data"><code class="option" title="DataTables initialisation option">data</code></a> option in the
				initialisation object, passing in an array of data to be used (like all other DataTables handled data, this can be arrays or objects using the <a href=
				"//datatables.net/reference/option/columns.data"><code class="option" title="DataTables initialisation option">columns.data</code></a> option).</p>
				<p>A <code class="tag" title="HTML tag">table</code> must be available on the page for DataTables to use. This examples shows an empty <code class="tag" title=
				"HTML tag">table</code> element being initialising as a DataTable with a set of data from a Javascript array. The columns in the table are dynamically created
				based on the <a href="//datatables.net/reference/option/columns.title"><code class="option" title="DataTables initialisation option">columns.title</code></a>
				configuration option.</p>
			<div class="demo-html"></div>
			<table id="example" class="display" width="100%"></table>
			<ul class="tabs">
				<li class="active">Javascript</li>
				<li>Server-side script</li>
			<div class="tabs">
				<div class="js">
					<p>The Javascript shown below is used to initialise the table shown in this example:</p><code class="multiline language-js">var dataSet = [
    [ &quot;Tiger Nixon&quot;, &quot;System Architect&quot;, &quot;Edinburgh&quot;, &quot;5421&quot;, &quot;2011/04/25&quot;, &quot;$320,800&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Garrett Winters&quot;, &quot;Accountant&quot;, &quot;Tokyo&quot;, &quot;8422&quot;, &quot;2011/07/25&quot;, &quot;$170,750&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Ashton Cox&quot;, &quot;Junior Technical Author&quot;, &quot;San Francisco&quot;, &quot;1562&quot;, &quot;2009/01/12&quot;, &quot;$86,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Cedric Kelly&quot;, &quot;Senior Javascript Developer&quot;, &quot;Edinburgh&quot;, &quot;6224&quot;, &quot;2012/03/29&quot;, &quot;$433,060&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Airi Satou&quot;, &quot;Accountant&quot;, &quot;Tokyo&quot;, &quot;5407&quot;, &quot;2008/11/28&quot;, &quot;$162,700&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Brielle Williamson&quot;, &quot;Integration Specialist&quot;, &quot;New York&quot;, &quot;4804&quot;, &quot;2012/12/02&quot;, &quot;$372,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Herrod Chandler&quot;, &quot;Sales Assistant&quot;, &quot;San Francisco&quot;, &quot;9608&quot;, &quot;2012/08/06&quot;, &quot;$137,500&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Rhona Davidson&quot;, &quot;Integration Specialist&quot;, &quot;Tokyo&quot;, &quot;6200&quot;, &quot;2010/10/14&quot;, &quot;$327,900&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Colleen Hurst&quot;, &quot;Javascript Developer&quot;, &quot;San Francisco&quot;, &quot;2360&quot;, &quot;2009/09/15&quot;, &quot;$205,500&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Sonya Frost&quot;, &quot;Software Engineer&quot;, &quot;Edinburgh&quot;, &quot;1667&quot;, &quot;2008/12/13&quot;, &quot;$103,600&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Jena Gaines&quot;, &quot;Office Manager&quot;, &quot;London&quot;, &quot;3814&quot;, &quot;2008/12/19&quot;, &quot;$90,560&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Quinn Flynn&quot;, &quot;Support Lead&quot;, &quot;Edinburgh&quot;, &quot;9497&quot;, &quot;2013/03/03&quot;, &quot;$342,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Charde Marshall&quot;, &quot;Regional Director&quot;, &quot;San Francisco&quot;, &quot;6741&quot;, &quot;2008/10/16&quot;, &quot;$470,600&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Haley Kennedy&quot;, &quot;Senior Marketing Designer&quot;, &quot;London&quot;, &quot;3597&quot;, &quot;2012/12/18&quot;, &quot;$313,500&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Tatyana Fitzpatrick&quot;, &quot;Regional Director&quot;, &quot;London&quot;, &quot;1965&quot;, &quot;2010/03/17&quot;, &quot;$385,750&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Michael Silva&quot;, &quot;Marketing Designer&quot;, &quot;London&quot;, &quot;1581&quot;, &quot;2012/11/27&quot;, &quot;$198,500&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Paul Byrd&quot;, &quot;Chief Financial Officer (CFO)&quot;, &quot;New York&quot;, &quot;3059&quot;, &quot;2010/06/09&quot;, &quot;$725,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Gloria Little&quot;, &quot;Systems Administrator&quot;, &quot;New York&quot;, &quot;1721&quot;, &quot;2009/04/10&quot;, &quot;$237,500&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Bradley Greer&quot;, &quot;Software Engineer&quot;, &quot;London&quot;, &quot;2558&quot;, &quot;2012/10/13&quot;, &quot;$132,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Dai Rios&quot;, &quot;Personnel Lead&quot;, &quot;Edinburgh&quot;, &quot;2290&quot;, &quot;2012/09/26&quot;, &quot;$217,500&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Jenette Caldwell&quot;, &quot;Development Lead&quot;, &quot;New York&quot;, &quot;1937&quot;, &quot;2011/09/03&quot;, &quot;$345,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Yuri Berry&quot;, &quot;Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)&quot;, &quot;New York&quot;, &quot;6154&quot;, &quot;2009/06/25&quot;, &quot;$675,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Caesar Vance&quot;, &quot;Pre-Sales Support&quot;, &quot;New York&quot;, &quot;8330&quot;, &quot;2011/12/12&quot;, &quot;$106,450&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Doris Wilder&quot;, &quot;Sales Assistant&quot;, &quot;Sidney&quot;, &quot;3023&quot;, &quot;2010/09/20&quot;, &quot;$85,600&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Angelica Ramos&quot;, &quot;Chief Executive Officer (CEO)&quot;, &quot;London&quot;, &quot;5797&quot;, &quot;2009/10/09&quot;, &quot;$1,200,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Gavin Joyce&quot;, &quot;Developer&quot;, &quot;Edinburgh&quot;, &quot;8822&quot;, &quot;2010/12/22&quot;, &quot;$92,575&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Jennifer Chang&quot;, &quot;Regional Director&quot;, &quot;Singapore&quot;, &quot;9239&quot;, &quot;2010/11/14&quot;, &quot;$357,650&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Brenden Wagner&quot;, &quot;Software Engineer&quot;, &quot;San Francisco&quot;, &quot;1314&quot;, &quot;2011/06/07&quot;, &quot;$206,850&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Fiona Green&quot;, &quot;Chief Operating Officer (COO)&quot;, &quot;San Francisco&quot;, &quot;2947&quot;, &quot;2010/03/11&quot;, &quot;$850,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Shou Itou&quot;, &quot;Regional Marketing&quot;, &quot;Tokyo&quot;, &quot;8899&quot;, &quot;2011/08/14&quot;, &quot;$163,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Michelle House&quot;, &quot;Integration Specialist&quot;, &quot;Sidney&quot;, &quot;2769&quot;, &quot;2011/06/02&quot;, &quot;$95,400&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Suki Burks&quot;, &quot;Developer&quot;, &quot;London&quot;, &quot;6832&quot;, &quot;2009/10/22&quot;, &quot;$114,500&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Prescott Bartlett&quot;, &quot;Technical Author&quot;, &quot;London&quot;, &quot;3606&quot;, &quot;2011/05/07&quot;, &quot;$145,000&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Gavin Cortez&quot;, &quot;Team Leader&quot;, &quot;San Francisco&quot;, &quot;2860&quot;, &quot;2008/10/26&quot;, &quot;$235,500&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Martena Mccray&quot;, &quot;Post-Sales support&quot;, &quot;Edinburgh&quot;, &quot;8240&quot;, &quot;2011/03/09&quot;, &quot;$324,050&quot; ],
    [ &quot;Unity Butler&quot;, &quot;Marketing Designer&quot;, &quot;San Francisco&quot;, &quot;5384&quot;, &quot;2009/12/09&quot;, &quot;$85,675&quot; ]

$(document).ready(function() {
	$('#example').DataTable( {
		data: dataSet,
		columns: [
			{ title: &quot;Name&quot; },
			{ title: &quot;Position&quot; },
			{ title: &quot;Office&quot; },
			{ title: &quot;Extn.&quot; },
			{ title: &quot;Start date&quot; },
			{ title: &quot;Salary&quot; }
	} );
} );</code>
					<p>In addition to the above code, the following Javascript library files are loaded for use in this example:</p>
							<a href="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js">//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js</a>
							<a href="../../media/js/jquery.dataTables.js">../../media/js/jquery.dataTables.js</a>
				<div class="table">
					<p>The HTML shown below is the raw HTML table element, before it has been enhanced by DataTables:</p>
				<div class="css">
						<p>This example uses a little bit of additional CSS beyond what is loaded from the library files (below), in order to correctly display the table. The
						additional CSS used is shown below:</p><code class="multiline language-css"></code>
					<p>The following CSS library files are loaded for use in this example to provide the styling of the table:</p>
							<a href="../../media/css/jquery.dataTables.css">../../media/css/jquery.dataTables.css</a>
				<div class="ajax">
					<p>This table loads data by Ajax. The latest data that has been loaded is shown below. This data will update automatically as any additional data is
				<div class="php">
					<p>The script used to perform the server-side processing for this table is shown below. Please note that this is just an example script using PHP. Server-side
					processing scripts can be written in any language, using <a href="//datatables.net/manual/server-side">the protocol described in the DataTables
		<div class="footer">
			<div class="gradient"></div>
			<div class="liner">
				<h2>Other examples</h2>
				<div class="toc">
					<div class="toc-group">
						<h3><a href="../basic_init/index.html">Basic initialisation</a></h3>
						<ul class="toc">
								<a href="../basic_init/zero_configuration.html">Zero configuration</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/filter_only.html">Feature enable / disable</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/table_sorting.html">Default ordering (sorting)</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/multi_col_sort.html">Multi-column ordering</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/multiple_tables.html">Multiple tables</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/hidden_columns.html">Hidden columns</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/complex_header.html">Complex headers (rowspan and colspan)</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/dom.html">DOM positioning</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/flexible_width.html">Flexible table width</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/state_save.html">State saving</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/alt_pagination.html">Alternative pagination</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/scroll_y.html">Scroll - vertical</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/scroll_y_dynamic.html">Scroll - vertical, dynamic height</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/scroll_x.html">Scroll - horizontal</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/scroll_xy.html">Scroll - horizontal and vertical</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/comma-decimal.html">Language - Comma decimal place</a>
								<a href="../basic_init/language.html">Language options</a>
					<div class="toc-group">
						<h3><a href="../advanced_init/index.html">Advanced initialisation</a></h3>
						<ul class="toc">
								<a href="../advanced_init/events_live.html">DOM / jQuery events</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/dt_events.html">DataTables events</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/column_render.html">Column rendering</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/length_menu.html">Page length options</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/dom_multiple_elements.html">Multiple table control elements</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/complex_header.html">Complex headers with column visibility</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/object_dom_read.html">Read HTML to data objects</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/html5-data-options.html">HTML5 data-* attributes - table options</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/html5-data-attributes.html">HTML5 data-* attributes - cell data</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/language_file.html">Language file</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/defaults.html">Setting defaults</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/row_callback.html">Row created callback</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/row_grouping.html">Row grouping</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/footer_callback.html">Footer callback</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/dom_toolbar.html">Custom toolbar elements</a>
								<a href="../advanced_init/sort_direction_control.html">Order direction sequence control</a>
					<div class="toc-group">
						<h3><a href="../styling/index.html">Styling</a></h3>
						<ul class="toc">
								<a href="../styling/display.html">Base style</a>
								<a href="../styling/no-classes.html">Base style - no styling classes</a>
								<a href="../styling/cell-border.html">Base style - cell borders</a>
								<a href="../styling/compact.html">Base style - compact</a>
								<a href="../styling/hover.html">Base style - hover</a>
								<a href="../styling/order-column.html">Base style - order-column</a>
								<a href="../styling/row-border.html">Base style - row borders</a>
								<a href="../styling/stripe.html">Base style - stripe</a>
								<a href="../styling/bootstrap.html">Bootstrap 3</a>
								<a href="../styling/foundation.html">Foundation</a>
								<a href="../styling/semanticui.html">Semantic UI</a>
								<a href="../styling/jqueryUI.html">jQuery UI ThemeRoller</a>
								<a href="../styling/bootstrap4.html">Bootstrap 4 (Tech. preview)</a>
								<a href="../styling/material.html">Material Design (Tech. preview)</a>
								<a href="../styling/uikit.html">UIKit (Tech. preview)</a>
					<div class="toc-group">
						<h3><a href="./index.html">Data sources</a></h3>
						<ul class="toc active">
								<a href="./dom.html">HTML (DOM) sourced data</a>
								<a href="./ajax.html">Ajax sourced data</a>
							<li class="active">
								<a href="./js_array.html">Javascript sourced data</a>
								<a href="./server_side.html">Server-side processing</a>
					<div class="toc-group">
						<h3><a href="../api/index.html">API</a></h3>
						<ul class="toc">
								<a href="../api/add_row.html">Add rows</a>
								<a href="../api/multi_filter.html">Individual column searching (text inputs)</a>
								<a href="../api/multi_filter_select.html">Individual column searching (select inputs)</a>
								<a href="../api/highlight.html">Highlighting rows and columns</a>
								<a href="../api/row_details.html">Child rows (show extra / detailed information)</a>
								<a href="../api/select_row.html">Row selection (multiple rows)</a>
								<a href="../api/select_single_row.html">Row selection and deletion (single row)</a>
								<a href="../api/form.html">Form inputs</a>
								<a href="../api/counter_columns.html">Index column</a>
								<a href="../api/show_hide.html">Show / hide columns dynamically</a>
								<a href="../api/api_in_init.html">Using API in callbacks</a>
								<a href="../api/tabs_and_scrolling.html">Scrolling and Bootstrap tabs</a>
								<a href="../api/regex.html">Search API (regular expressions)</a>
					<div class="toc-group">
						<h3><a href="../ajax/index.html">Ajax</a></h3>
						<ul class="toc">
								<a href="../ajax/simple.html">Ajax data source (arrays)</a>
								<a href="../ajax/objects.html">Ajax data source (objects)</a>
								<a href="../ajax/deep.html">Nested object data (objects)</a>
								<a href="../ajax/objects_subarrays.html">Nested object data (arrays)</a>
								<a href="../ajax/orthogonal-data.html">Orthogonal data</a>
								<a href="../ajax/null_data_source.html">Generated content for a column</a>
								<a href="../ajax/custom_data_property.html">Custom data source property</a>
								<a href="../ajax/custom_data_flat.html">Flat array data source</a>
								<a href="../ajax/defer_render.html">Deferred rendering for speed</a>
					<div class="toc-group">
						<h3><a href="../server_side/index.html">Server-side</a></h3>
						<ul class="toc">
								<a href="../server_side/simple.html">Server-side processing</a>
								<a href="../server_side/custom_vars.html">Custom HTTP variables</a>
								<a href="../server_side/post.html">POST data</a>
								<a href="../server_side/ids.html">Automatic addition of row ID attributes</a>
								<a href="../server_side/object_data.html">Object data source</a>
								<a href="../server_side/row_details.html">Row details</a>
								<a href="../server_side/select_rows.html">Row selection</a>
								<a href="../server_side/jsonp.html">JSONP data source for remote domains</a>
								<a href="../server_side/defer_loading.html">Deferred loading of data</a>
								<a href="../server_side/pipeline.html">Pipelining data to reduce Ajax calls for paging</a>
					<div class="toc-group">
						<h3><a href="../plug-ins/index.html">Plug-ins</a></h3>
						<ul class="toc">
								<a href="../plug-ins/api.html">API plug-in methods</a>
								<a href="../plug-ins/sorting_auto.html">Ordering plug-ins (with type detection)</a>
								<a href="../plug-ins/sorting_manual.html">Ordering plug-ins (no type detection)</a>
								<a href="../plug-ins/range_filtering.html">Custom filtering - range search</a>
								<a href="../plug-ins/dom_sort.html">Live DOM ordering</a>
				<div class="epilogue">
					<p>Please refer to the <a href="http://www.datatables.net">DataTables documentation</a> for full information about its API properties and methods.<br>
					Additionally, there are a wide range of <a href="http://www.datatables.net/extensions">extensions</a> and <a href=
					"http://www.datatables.net/plug-ins">plug-ins</a> which extend the capabilities of DataTables.</p>
					<p class="copyright">DataTables designed and created by <a href="http://www.sprymedia.co.uk">SpryMedia Ltd</a> © 2007-2016<br>
					DataTables is licensed under the <a href="http://www.datatables.net/mit">MIT license</a>.</p>