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<a name="0.5.1"></a>
# 0.5.1 (2014-11-20)

## Bug Fixes

- don't use async when you load files in serie
- avoid errors thrown on empty template files
- compatibility with jasmine

<a name="0.5.0"></a>
# 0.5.0 (2014-11-11)

## Features

- added a new param `insertBefore`
- started unit tests

## Documentation

- updated loaders signatures

<a name="0.4.2"></a>
# 0.4.2 (2014-11-10)

## Bug Fixes

- extend config to params for the register method

<a name="0.4.1"></a>
# 0.4.1 (2014-11-09)

## Bug Fixes

- keep global params pristine when loading files
- defining new run blocks will replace previous ones

<a name="0.4.0"></a>
# 0.4.0 (2014-11-09)

## Features

- new parameter `serie` to load files in serie
 [#47](, [#86](
- new parameter `rerun` to rerun the run blocks
- new function: `isLoaded` to check if a module has been loaded

<a name="0.3.10"></a>
# 0.3.10 (2014-11-09)

## Bug Fixes

- fix for error:[$compile:multidir] Multiple directives
- css onload patch for some old browsers
- content inside the oc-lazy-load directive is now compiled on load

<a name="0.3.9"></a>
# 0.3.9 (2014-11-02)

## Bug Fixes

- allow components with the same name from different types/modules
- initial modules not registered
 [#58](, [#71](, [#73](, [#77](
- add support for angular 1.3 in bower

## Features

- broadcast for componentLoaded event provides more info (module name and type)
- example1 now uses ui-grid instead of ng-grid

## Documentation

- added link to a new article by @kbdaitch
- added a link to a new lesson from
- added a link to a new lesson from

<a name="0.3.8"></a>
# 0.3.8 (2014-09-25)

## Bug Fixes

- reject on load error

<a name="0.3.7"></a>
# 0.3.7 (2014-09-10)

## Bug Fixes

- don't reload a dependency that was just loaded

## Features

- new event ocLazyLoad.moduleReloaded

<a name="0.3.6"></a>
# 0.3.6 (2014-09-02)

## Bug Fixes

- concurrency lazy loads (thanks @BenBlazely)

## Documentation

- added a few links to other examples

<a name="0.3.5"></a>
# 0.3.5 (2014-08-26)

## Bug Fixes

- fixed cases where the config block would not be called
 The config block would not be called if:
  - defined multiple times (only the first 1 would be invoked)
  - defined with an auto injected module: ['...', function() {}]
  - defined after another component: angular.module().controler().config()

<a name="0.3.4"></a>
# 0.3.4 (2014-08-26)

## Bug Fixes

- make sure reconfig:true always run all invoke blocks
- the config/run blocks were not invoked without reconfig: true
- indexOf polyfill for IE8

## Features

- more log messages for debug

<a name="0.3.3"></a>
# 0.3.3 (2014-07-23)

## Bug Fixes

- don't execute config blocks multiple times by default
 [#43](, [#41](
- don't test for .js in path because of requirejs
- test order

<a name="0.3.2"></a>
# 0.3.2 (2014-07-23)

## Bug Fixes

- allow $ocLazyLoadProvider.config to be called multiple times
- prevent duplicate loadings

<a name="0.3.1"></a>
# 0.3.1 (2014-07-14)

## Bug Fixes

- don't reject file load with custom file loaders such as requirejs

## Features

- auto changelog from commits msg
- prevent duplicate loadings & add a cache busting param

# 0.3.0 (17 June 2014)

## Features

- $ocLazyLoad will now reject promises on errors
- Use the parameter `debug` to show log messages in the console
- JS / CSS / Template loaders are available by default in $ocLazyLoad but you can overwrite them with the config
- Better doc (finally! \o/)
- Example1 is now much better !
- Events broadcasted on module / component / file load (#21)

# 0.2.0 (20 May 2014)
* Added support for $animateProvider #19
* Added support for CSS Loading (And perhaps other file types in the future) #19
* Added loadAll function for use when a state requires resolve on more than one asset. #19
* FIX: Angular JS 1.3.0-beta.8 changed the way config blocks are handled (now invoked last) #19
* Adopted the MIT license as requested in #20
* Added a gulpfile to build dist files (and, in the future, to do tests before the build). Run `npm install` to install the new dependencies and `npm build` to build the dist files.
* **Breaking change** moved the src files to /src and the dist files to /dist. Installations via bower will only see the dist folder
* Moved the examples to /examples

# 0.1.3 (30 April 2014)
* Fix for bug #18: merged files and incorrect module loading

# 0.1.2 (14 April 2014)
* Fix for bug #16: config blocks didn't work for module dependencies

# 0.1.1 (08 April 2014)
* Fix for bug #8: runBlocks can now load new modules (thanks to @rolandzwaga)
* Added an example that makes use of requirejs and uses ngGrid as a lazy loaded module (thanks to @rolandzwaga)

# 0.1.0 (04 April 2014)
* Added a changelog !
* Added ```loadTemplateFile``` function.
* Merge pull request #6 from BenBlazely/master (Extension of lazy loading to the angular.module DI block, refactored to use promises for tracking progress.)
* Merge pull request #7 from rolandzwaga/master (Added some improvements for apps using angular.boostrap & for duplicated modules)
* Fixed a bug with run blocks not working when they used unloaded modules. Not a complete fix though, more to come when bug #8 is fixed