Chart.Doughnut.js 5.68 KB
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Felipe Escala Torres committed
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	"use strict";

	var root = this,
		Chart = root.Chart,
		//Cache a local reference to Chart.helpers
		helpers = Chart.helpers;

	var defaultConfig = {
		//Boolean - Whether we should show a stroke on each segment
		segmentShowStroke : true,

		//String - The colour of each segment stroke
		segmentStrokeColor : "#fff",

		//Number - The width of each segment stroke
		segmentStrokeWidth : 2,

		//The percentage of the chart that we cut out of the middle.
		percentageInnerCutout : 50,

		//Number - Amount of animation steps
		animationSteps : 100,

		//String - Animation easing effect
		animationEasing : "easeOutBounce",

		//Boolean - Whether we animate the rotation of the Doughnut
		animateRotate : true,

		//Boolean - Whether we animate scaling the Doughnut from the centre
		animateScale : false,

		//String - A legend template
		legendTemplate : "<ul class=\"<%=name.toLowerCase()%>-legend\"><% for (var i=0; i<segments.length; i++){%><li><span style=\"background-color:<%=segments[i].fillColor%>\"></span><%if(segments[i].label){%><%=segments[i].label%><%}%></li><%}%></ul>"


		//Passing in a name registers this chart in the Chart namespace
		name: "Doughnut",
		//Providing a defaults will also register the deafults in the chart namespace
		defaults : defaultConfig,
		//Initialize is fired when the chart is initialized - Data is passed in as a parameter
		//Config is automatically merged by the core of Chart.js, and is available at this.options
		initialize:  function(data){

			//Declare segments as a static property to prevent inheriting across the Chart type prototype
			this.segments = [];
			this.outerRadius = (helpers.min([this.chart.width,this.chart.height]) -	this.options.segmentStrokeWidth/2)/2;

			this.SegmentArc = Chart.Arc.extend({
				ctx : this.chart.ctx,
				x : this.chart.width/2,
				y : this.chart.height/2

			//Set up tooltip events on the chart
			if (this.options.showTooltips){
				helpers.bindEvents(this, this.options.tooltipEvents, function(evt){
					var activeSegments = (evt.type !== 'mouseout') ? this.getSegmentsAtEvent(evt) : [];

						activeSegment.fillColor = activeSegment.highlightColor;

			helpers.each(data,function(datapoint, index){
				this.addData(datapoint, index, true);

		getSegmentsAtEvent : function(e){
			var segmentsArray = [];

			var location = helpers.getRelativePosition(e);

				if (segment.inRange(location.x,location.y)) segmentsArray.push(segment);
			return segmentsArray;
		addData : function(segment, atIndex, silent){
			var index = atIndex || this.segments.length;
			this.segments.splice(index, 0, new this.SegmentArc({
				value : segment.value,
				outerRadius : (this.options.animateScale) ? 0 : this.outerRadius,
				innerRadius : (this.options.animateScale) ? 0 : (this.outerRadius/100) * this.options.percentageInnerCutout,
				fillColor : segment.color,
				highlightColor : segment.highlight || segment.color,
				showStroke : this.options.segmentShowStroke,
				strokeWidth : this.options.segmentStrokeWidth,
				strokeColor : this.options.segmentStrokeColor,
				startAngle : Math.PI * 1.5,
				circumference : (this.options.animateRotate) ? 0 : this.calculateCircumference(segment.value),
				label : segment.label
			if (!silent){
		calculateCircumference : function(value){
			return (Math.PI*2)*(value /;
		calculateTotal : function(data){ = 0;
			helpers.each(data,function(segment){ += segment.value;
		update : function(){

			// Reset any highlight colours before updating.
			helpers.each(this.activeElements, function(activeElement){


		removeData: function(atIndex){
			var indexToDelete = (helpers.isNumber(atIndex)) ? atIndex : this.segments.length-1;
			this.segments.splice(indexToDelete, 1);

		reflow : function(){
				x : this.chart.width/2,
				y : this.chart.height/2
			this.outerRadius = (helpers.min([this.chart.width,this.chart.height]) -	this.options.segmentStrokeWidth/2)/2;
			helpers.each(this.segments, function(segment){
					outerRadius : this.outerRadius,
					innerRadius : (this.outerRadius/100) * this.options.percentageInnerCutout
			}, this);
		draw : function(easeDecimal){
			var animDecimal = (easeDecimal) ? easeDecimal : 1;
					circumference : this.calculateCircumference(segment.value),
					outerRadius : this.outerRadius,
					innerRadius : (this.outerRadius/100) * this.options.percentageInnerCutout

				segment.endAngle = segment.startAngle + segment.circumference;

				if (index === 0){
					segment.startAngle = Math.PI * 1.5;
				//Check to see if it's the last segment, if not get the next and update the start angle
				if (index < this.segments.length-1){
					this.segments[index+1].startAngle = segment.endAngle;


		name : "Pie",
		defaults : helpers.merge(defaultConfig,{percentageInnerCutout : 0})
