describe('Unit testing jQuery version of easy pie chart', function() { var $el; var createInstance = function(options, el) { options = options || {}; el = el || '<span class="chart"></span>'; return function() { $el = $(el); $('body').append($el); $el.easyPieChart(options); }; }; describe('initialize plugin', function() { beforeEach(createInstance()); it('should insert a canvas element', function() { expect($el.html()).toContain('canvas'); }); }); describe('takes size option and', function() { var $canvas; beforeEach(createInstance({ size: 200 })); beforeEach(function() { $canvas = $el.find('canvas'); }); it('set correct width', function() { expect($canvas.width()).toBe(200); }); it('set correct height', function() { expect($canvas.height()).toBe(200); }); }); describe('options should be overwritable by data attributes', function() { var $canvas; beforeEach(createInstance({ size: 200 }, '<span class="chart" data-size="400"></span>')); beforeEach(function() { $canvas = $el.find('canvas'); }); it('overwrite width', function() { expect($canvas.width()).toBe(400); }); it('overwrite height', function() { expect($canvas.height()).toBe(400); }); }); });