/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  # Echarts - candlestick and other charts
 *  Candlestick and other chart configurations
 *  Version: 1.0
 *  Latest update: August 1, 2015
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

$(function () {

    // Set paths
    // ------------------------------

        paths: {
            echarts: 'assets/js/plugins/visualization/echarts'

    // Configuration
    // ------------------------------


        // Add necessary charts

        // Charts setup
        function (ec, limitless) {

            // Initialize charts
            // ------------------------------

            var candlestick_basic = ec.init(document.getElementById('candlestick_basic'), limitless);
            var candlestick_line = ec.init(document.getElementById('candlestick_line'), limitless);
            var candlestick_scatter = ec.init(document.getElementById('candlestick_scatter'), limitless);

            var radar_basic = ec.init(document.getElementById('radar_basic'), limitless);
            var radar_filled = ec.init(document.getElementById('radar_filled'), limitless);

            var gauge_basic = ec.init(document.getElementById('gauge_basic'), limitless);
            var gauge_styling = ec.init(document.getElementById('gauge_styling'), limitless);

            // Charts options
            // ------------------------------

            // Basic candlestick chart

            candlestick_basic_options = {

                // Setup grid
                grid: {
                    x: 55,
                    x2: 55,
                    y: 35,
                    y2: 90

                // Add tooltip
                tooltip: {
                    trigger: 'axis',
                    formatter: function (params) {
                        var res = params[0].seriesName + '   ' + params[0].name;
                        res += '<br/>  Opening: ' + params[0].value[0] + ' &nbsp;&nbsp; Highest: ' + params[0].value[3];
                        res += '<br/>  Closing: ' + params[0].value[1] + ' &nbsp;&nbsp; Lowest: ' + params[0].value[2];
                        return res;

                // Add legend
                legend: {
                    data:['Composite index']

                // Add toolbox
                toolbox: {
                    show: true,
                    x: 'right',
                    y: 35,
                    orient: 'vertical',
                    feature: {
                        mark: {
                            show: true,
                            title: {
                                mark: 'Markline switch',
                                markUndo: 'Undo markline',
                                markClear: 'Clear markline'
                        dataZoom: {
                            show: true,
                            title: {
                                dataZoom: 'Data zoom',
                                dataZoomReset: 'Reset zoom'
                        dataView: {
                            show: true,
                            readOnly: false,
                            title: 'View data',
                            lang: ['View chart data', 'Close', 'Update']
                        restore: {
                            show: true,
                            title: 'Restore'
                        saveAsImage: {
                            show: true,
                            title: 'Same as image',
                            lang: ['Save']

                // Enable data zoom
                dataZoom: {
                    show: true,
                    realtime: true,
                    start: 0,
                    end: 50,
                    height: 40

                // Horizontal axis
                xAxis: [{
                    type: 'category',
                    boundaryGap: true,
                    axisTick: {onGap: false},
                    splitLine: {show: false},
                    data: [
                        "2013/1/24", "2013/1/25", "2013/1/28", "2013/1/29", "2013/1/30",
                        "2013/1/31", "2013/2/1", "2013/2/4", "2013/2/5", "2013/2/6", 
                        "2013/2/7", "2013/2/8", "2013/2/18", "2013/2/19", "2013/2/20", 
                        "2013/2/21", "2013/2/22", "2013/2/25", "2013/2/26", "2013/2/27", 
                        "2013/2/28", "2013/3/1", "2013/3/4", "2013/3/5", "2013/3/6", 
                        "2013/3/7", "2013/3/8", "2013/3/11", "2013/3/12", "2013/3/13", 
                        "2013/3/14", "2013/3/15", "2013/3/18", "2013/3/19", "2013/3/20", 
                        "2013/3/21", "2013/3/22", "2013/3/25", "2013/3/26", "2013/3/27", 
                        "2013/3/28", "2013/3/29", "2013/4/1", "2013/4/2", "2013/4/3", 
                        "2013/4/8", "2013/4/9", "2013/4/10", "2013/4/11", "2013/4/12", 
                        "2013/4/15", "2013/4/16", "2013/4/17", "2013/4/18", "2013/4/19", 
                        "2013/4/22", "2013/4/23", "2013/4/24", "2013/4/25", "2013/4/26", 
                        "2013/5/2", "2013/5/3", "2013/5/6", "2013/5/7", "2013/5/8", 
                        "2013/5/9", "2013/5/10", "2013/5/13", "2013/5/14", "2013/5/15", 
                        "2013/5/16", "2013/5/17", "2013/5/20", "2013/5/21", "2013/5/22", 
                        "2013/5/23", "2013/5/24", "2013/5/27", "2013/5/28", "2013/5/29", 
                        "2013/5/30", "2013/5/31", "2013/6/3", "2013/6/4", "2013/6/5", 
                        "2013/6/6", "2013/6/7", "2013/6/13"

                // Vertical axis
                yAxis: [{
                    type: 'value',
                    scale: true,
                    boundaryGap: [0.01, 0.01]

                // Add series
                series: [{
                    name: 'Composite index',
                    type: 'k',
                    itemStyle: {
                        normal: {
                            color: '#607D8B',
                            color0: '#EF5350',
                            lineStyle: {
                                color: '#607D8B',
                                color0: '#EF5350',
                    data: [

            // Candlestick with line

            candlestick_line_options = {

                // Setup grid
                grid: {
                    x: 55,
                    x2: 85,
                    y: 35,
                    y2: 90

                // Add tooltip
                tooltip: {
                    trigger: 'axis',
                    formatter: function (params) {
                        var res = params[0].name;
                        for (var i = params.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                            if (params[i].value instanceof Array) {
                                res += '<br/>' + params[i].seriesName;
                                res += '<br/> Opening: ' + params[i].value[0] + ' &nbsp;&nbsp; Highest: ' + params[i].value[3];
                                res += '<br/> CLosing: ' + params[i].value[1] + ' &nbsp;&nbsp; Lowest: ' + params[i].value[2];
                            else {
                                res += '<br/>' + params[i].seriesName;
                                res += ': ' + params[i].value;
                        return res;

                // Add legend
                legend: {
                    data:['Composite index','Turnover (million)']

                // Enable data zoom
                dataZoom: {
                    show: true,
                    realtime: true,
                    start: 25,
                    end: 75,
                    height: 40

                // Horizontal axis
                xAxis: [{
                    type: 'category',
                    boundaryGap: true,
                    axisTick: {onGap: false},
                    splitLine: {show: false},
                    data: [
                        "2013/1/24", "2013/1/25", "2013/1/28", "2013/1/29", "2013/1/30",
                        "2013/1/31", "2013/2/1", "2013/2/4", "2013/2/5", "2013/2/6", 
                        "2013/2/7", "2013/2/8", "2013/2/18", "2013/2/19", "2013/2/20", 
                        "2013/2/21", "2013/2/22", "2013/2/25", "2013/2/26", "2013/2/27", 
                        "2013/2/28", "2013/3/1", "2013/3/4", "2013/3/5", "2013/3/6", 
                        "2013/3/7", "2013/3/8", "2013/3/11", "2013/3/12", "2013/3/13", 
                        "2013/3/14", "2013/3/15", "2013/3/18", "2013/3/19", "2013/3/20", 
                        "2013/3/21", "2013/3/22", "2013/3/25", "2013/3/26", "2013/3/27", 
                        "2013/3/28", "2013/3/29", "2013/4/1", "2013/4/2", "2013/4/3", 
                        "2013/4/8", "2013/4/9", "2013/4/10", "2013/4/11", "2013/4/12", 
                        "2013/4/15", "2013/4/16", "2013/4/17", "2013/4/18", "2013/4/19", 
                        "2013/4/22", "2013/4/23", "2013/4/24", "2013/4/25", "2013/4/26", 
                        "2013/5/2", "2013/5/3", "2013/5/6", "2013/5/7", "2013/5/8", 
                        "2013/5/9", "2013/5/10", "2013/5/13", "2013/5/14", "2013/5/15", 
                        "2013/5/16", "2013/5/17", "2013/5/20", "2013/5/21", "2013/5/22", 
                        "2013/5/23", "2013/5/24", "2013/5/27", "2013/5/28", "2013/5/29", 
                        "2013/5/30", "2013/5/31", "2013/6/3", "2013/6/4", "2013/6/5", 
                        "2013/6/6", "2013/6/7", "2013/6/13"

                // Vertical axis
                yAxis: [
                        type: 'value',
                        scale: true,
                        splitNumber: 5,
                        boundaryGap: [0.01, 0.01]
                        type: 'value',
                        scale: true,
                        splitNumber: 5,
                        boundaryGap: [0.05, 0.05]

                // Add series
                series: [
                        name: 'Turnover (million)',
                        type: 'line',
                        yAxisIndex: 1,
                        symbol: 'none',
                        data: [
                            13560434, 8026738.5, 11691637, 12491697, 12485603, 
                            11620504, 12555496, 15253370, 12709611, 10458354, 
                            10933507, 9896523, 10365702, 10633095, 9722230, 
                            12662783, 8757982, 7764234, 10591719, 8826293, 
                            11591827, 11153111, 14304651, 11672120, 12536480, 
                            12608589, 8843860, 7391994.5, 10063709, 7768895.5, 
                            6921859, 10157810, 8148617.5, 7551207, 11397426, 
                            10478607, 8595132, 8541862, 9181132, 8570842, 
                            10759351, 7335819, 6699753.5, 7759666.5, 6880135.5, 
                            7366616.5, 7313504, 7109021.5, 6213270, 5619688, 
                            5816217.5, 6695584.5, 5998655.5, 6188812.5, 9538301,
                            8224500, 8221751.5, 7897721, 8448324, 6525151, 
                            5987761, 7831570, 8162560.5, 7904092, 8139084.5, 
                            9116529, 8128014, 7919148, 7566047, 6665826.5, 
                            10225527, 11124881, 12884353, 11302521, 11529046, 
                            11105205, 9202153, 9992016, 12035250, 11431155, 
                            10354677, 10070399, 9164861, 9237718, 7114268, 
                            7526158.5, 8105835, 7971452.5

                        markPoint: {
                            symbol: 'emptyPin',
                            itemStyle: {
                                normal: {
                                    color: '#1e90ff'
                            data: [
                                    type: 'max',
                                    name: 'Maximum',
                                    symbolSize: 5,
                                    itemStyle: {
                                        normal: {
                                            label: {
                                                position: 'top'
                                    type: 'min',
                                    name: 'Minimum',
                                    symbolSize: 5,
                                    itemStyle: {
                                        normal: {
                                            label: {
                                                position: 'top',

                        markLine: {
                            symbol: 'none',
                            itemStyle: {
                                normal: {
                                    color: '#1e90ff',
                                    label: {
                                        show: true
                            data: [{
                                type: 'average',
                                name: 'Average'

                        name: 'Composite index',
                        type: 'k',
                        itemStyle: {
                            normal: {
                                color: '#66BB6A',
                                color0: '#FF7043',
                                lineStyle: {
                                    color: '#66BB6A',
                                    color0: '#FF7043',
                        data: [

            // Candlestick with scatter

            candlestick_scatter_options = {

                // Setup grid
                grid: {
                    x: 55,
                    x2: 55,
                    y: 55,
                    y2: 90

                // Add tooltip
                tooltip: {
                    trigger: 'axis'

                // Add legend
                legend: {
                    data: ['Composite index', 'Random data']

                // Enable data zoom
                dataZoom: {
                    show: true,
                    realtime: true,
                    start: 50,
                    end: 100,
                    height: 40

                // Horizontal axis
                xAxis: [
                        type: 'category',
                        boundaryGap: true,
                        data: [
                            "2013/1/24", "2013/1/25", "2013/1/28", "2013/1/29", "2013/1/30",
                            "2013/1/31", "2013/2/1", "2013/2/4", "2013/2/5", "2013/2/6", 
                            "2013/2/7", "2013/2/8", "2013/2/18", "2013/2/19", "2013/2/20", 
                            "2013/2/21", "2013/2/22", "2013/2/25", "2013/2/26", "2013/2/27", 
                            "2013/2/28", "2013/3/1", "2013/3/4", "2013/3/5", "2013/3/6", 
                            "2013/3/7", "2013/3/8", "2013/3/11", "2013/3/12", "2013/3/13", 
                            "2013/3/14", "2013/3/15", "2013/3/18", "2013/3/19", "2013/3/20", 
                            "2013/3/21", "2013/3/22", "2013/3/25", "2013/3/26", "2013/3/27", 
                            "2013/3/28", "2013/3/29", "2013/4/1", "2013/4/2", "2013/4/3", 
                            "2013/4/8", "2013/4/9", "2013/4/10", "2013/4/11", "2013/4/12", 
                            "2013/4/15", "2013/4/16", "2013/4/17", "2013/4/18", "2013/4/19", 
                            "2013/4/22", "2013/4/23", "2013/4/24", "2013/4/25", "2013/4/26", 
                            "2013/5/2", "2013/5/3", "2013/5/6", "2013/5/7", "2013/5/8", 
                            "2013/5/9", "2013/5/10", "2013/5/13", "2013/5/14", "2013/5/15", 
                            "2013/5/16", "2013/5/17", "2013/5/20", "2013/5/21", "2013/5/22", 
                            "2013/5/23", "2013/5/24", "2013/5/27", "2013/5/28", "2013/5/29", 
                            "2013/5/30", "2013/5/31", "2013/6/3", "2013/6/4", "2013/6/5", 
                            "2013/6/6", "2013/6/7", "2013/6/13"
                        type: 'value',
                        scale: true

                // Мукешсфд фчшы
                yAxis: [
                        type: 'value',
                        scale: true,
                        splitNumber: 5,
                        boundaryGap: [0.05, 0.05]
                        type: 'value',
                        splitNumber: 5,
                        scale: true

                // Add series
                series: [
                        name: 'Composite index',
                        type: 'k',
                        itemStyle: {
                            normal: {
                                color: '#29B6F6',
                                color0: '#EF5350',
                                lineStyle: {
                                    color: '#29B6F6',
                                    color0: '#EF5350',
                        data: [
                        name: 'Random data',
                        type: 'scatter',
                        xAxisIndex: 1,
                        yAxisIndex: 1,
                        symbolSize: function (value){
                            return Math.round(value[2] / 4);
                        data: (function () {
                            var d = [];
                            var len = 100;
                            while (len--) {
                                    (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0,
                                    (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0,
                                    (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0
                            return d;

            // Basic radar chart

            radar_basic_options = {

                // Add title
                title: {
                    text: 'Budget and spending',
                    subtext: 'Open source data',
                    x: 'right'

                // Add tooltip
                tooltip: {
                    trigger: 'axis'

                // Add legend
                legend: {
                    orient: 'vertical',
                    x: 'left',
                    data: ['Allocated Budget','Actual Spending']

                // Setup polar coordinates
                polar: [{
                    radius: '80%',
                    indicator: [
                        {text: 'Sales', max: 6000},
                        {text: 'Administration', max: 16000},
                        {text: 'Information Techology', max: 30000},
                        {text: 'Customer Support', max: 38000},
                        {text: 'Development', max: 52000},
                        {text: 'Marketing', max: 25000}

                // Enable drag recalculate
                calculable: true,

                // Add series
                series: [{
                    name: 'Budget vs spending',
                    type: 'radar',
                    data: [
                            value: [4300, 10000, 28000, 35000, 50000, 19000],
                            name: 'Allocated Budget'
                            value: [5000, 14000, 28000, 31000, 42000, 21000],
                            name: 'Actual Spending'

            // Filled radar chart

            radar_filled_options = {

                // Add title
                title: {
                    text: 'Budget and spending',
                    subtext: 'Open source data',
                    x: 'right'

                // Add tooltip
                tooltip: {
                    trigger: 'axis'

                // Add legend
                legend: {
                    orient: 'vertical',
                    x: 'left',
                    data: ['Allocated Budget','Actual Spending']

                // Enable drag recalculate
                calculable: true,

                // Setup polar coordinates
                polar: [{
                    radius: '80%',
                    indicator: [
                        {text: 'Sales', max: 100},
                        {text: 'Administration', max: 100},
                        {text: 'Information Techology', max: 100},
                        {text: 'Customer Support', max: 100},
                        {text: 'Development', max: 100},
                        {text: 'Marketing', max: 100}

                // Add series
                series: [{
                    name: 'Budget vs spending',
                    type: 'radar',
                    itemStyle: {
                        normal: {
                            areaStyle: {
                                type: 'default'
                    data: [
                            value: [97, 68, 88, 94, 90, 86],
                            name: 'Allocated Budget'
                            value: [97, 32, 46, 95, 88, 92],
                            name: 'Actual Spending'

            // Basic gauge

            // Setup chart
            gauge_basic_options = {

                // Add title
                title: {
                    text: 'Server resources usage',
                    subtext: 'Random demo data',
                    x: 'center'

                // Add tooltip
                tooltip: {
                    formatter: "{a} <br/>{b}: {c}%"

                // Add series
                series: [
                        name: 'Memory usage',
                        type: 'gauge',
                        center: ['50%', '55%'],
                        detail: {formatter:'{value}%'},
                        data: [{value: 50, name: 'Memory usage'}]

            // Add random data
            var timeTicket = setInterval(function () {
                gauge_basic_options.series[0].data[0].value = (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0;
                gauge_basic.setOption(gauge_basic_options, true);
            }, 2000);

            // Gauge styling

            // Setup chart
            gauge_styling_options = {

                // Add title
                title: {
                    text: 'Server resources usage',
                    subtext: 'Random demo data',
                    x: 'center'

                // Add tooltip
                tooltip: {
                    formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c}%"

                // Add series
                series: [
                        name: 'Memory usage',
                        type: 'gauge',
                        center: ['50%', '55%'],
                        startAngle: 150,
                        endAngle: -150,

                        // Axis line
                        axisLine: {
                            lineStyle: {
                                color: [[0.2, 'lightgreen'], [0.4, 'orange'], [0.8, 'skyblue'], [1, '#ff4500']], 
                                width: 30

                        // Axis tick
                        axisTick: {
                            splitNumber: 5,
                            length: 5,
                            lineStyle: {
                                color: '#fff'

                        // Axis text label
                        axisLabel: {
                            formatter: function(v) {
                                switch (v+''){
                                    case '10': return 'Idle';
                                    case '30': return 'Low';
                                    case '60': return 'Normal';
                                    case '90': return 'High';
                                    default: return '';

                        // Split line
                        splitLine: {
                            length: 35,
                            lineStyle: {
                                color: '#fff'

                        // Display title
                        title: {
                            offsetCenter: ['-81%', -15],
                            textStyle: {
                                fontSize: 13

                        // Display details info
                        detail: {
                            offsetCenter: ['-80%', -5],
                            formatter: '{value}%',
                            textStyle: {
                                fontSize: 25

                        // Add data
                        data: [{value: 50, name: 'Memory usage'}]

            // Add random data
            var timeTicket2 = setInterval(function () {
                gauge_styling_options.series[0].data[0].value = (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0;
                gauge_styling.setOption(gauge_styling_options, true);
            }, 2000)

            // Apply options
            // ------------------------------




            // Resize charts
            // ------------------------------

            window.onresize = function () {
                setTimeout(function (){
                }, 200);