 Scroller 1.4.1
 ©2011-2016 SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license
(function(e){"function" === typeof define && define.amd?define(["jquery", "datatables.net"], function(g){return e(g, window, document)}):"object" === typeof exports?module.exports = function(g, i){g || (g = window); if (!i || !i.fn.dataTable)i = require("datatables.net")(g, i).$; return e(i, g, g.document)}:e(jQuery, window, document)})(function(e, g, i, l){var m = e.fn.dataTable, h = function(a, b){this instanceof h?(b === l && (b = {}), this.s = {dt:e.fn.dataTable.Api(a).settings()[0], tableTop:0, tableBottom:0, redrawTop:0, redrawBottom:0, autoHeight:!0,
        viewportRows:0, stateTO:null, drawTO:null, heights:{jump:null, page:null, virtual:null, scroll:null, row:null, viewport:null}, topRowFloat:0, scrollDrawDiff:null, loaderVisible:!1}, this.s = e.extend(this.s, h.oDefaults, b), this.s.heights.row = this.s.rowHeight, this.dom = {force:i.createElement("div"), scroller:null, table:null, loader:null}, this.s.dt.oScroller || (this.s.dt.oScroller = this, this._fnConstruct())):alert("Scroller warning: Scroller must be initialised with the 'new' keyword.")}; e.extend(h.prototype, {fnRowToPixels:function(a,
        b, c){a = c?this._domain("virtualToPhysical", a * this.s.heights.row):this.s.baseScrollTop + (a - this.s.baseRowTop) * this.s.heights.row; return b || b === l?parseInt(a, 10):a}, fnPixelsToRow:function(a, b, c){var d = a - this.s.baseScrollTop, a = c?this._domain("physicalToVirtual", a) / this.s.heights.row:d / this.s.heights.row + this.s.baseRowTop; return b || b === l?parseInt(a, 10):a}, fnScrollToRow:function(a, b){var c = this, d = !1, f = this.fnRowToPixels(a), j = a - (this.s.displayBuffer - 1) / 2 * this.s.viewportRows; 0 > j && (j = 0); if ((f > this.s.redrawBottom ||
        f < this.s.redrawTop) && this.s.dt._iDisplayStart !== j)d = !0, f = this.fnRowToPixels(a, !1, !0); "undefined" == typeof b || b?(this.s.ani = d, e(this.dom.scroller).animate({scrollTop:f}, function(){setTimeout(function(){c.s.ani = !1}, 25)})):e(this.dom.scroller).scrollTop(f)}, fnMeasure:function(a){this.s.autoHeight && this._fnCalcRowHeight(); var b = this.s.heights; b.row && (b.viewport = e(this.dom.scroller).height(), this.s.viewportRows = parseInt(b.viewport / b.row, 10) + 1, this.s.dt._iDisplayLength = this.s.viewportRows * this.s.displayBuffer);
        (a === l || a) && this.s.dt.oInstance.fnDraw(!1)}, fnPageInfo:function(){var a = this.dom.scroller.scrollTop, b = this.s.dt.fnRecordsDisplay(), c = Math.ceil(this.fnPixelsToRow(a + this.s.heights.viewport, !1, this.s.ani)); return{start:Math.floor(this.fnPixelsToRow(a, !1, this.s.ani)), end:b < c?b - 1:c - 1}}, _fnConstruct:function(){var a = this; if (this.s.dt.oFeatures.bPaginate){this.dom.force.style.position = "relative"; this.dom.force.style.top = "0px"; this.dom.force.style.left = "0px"; this.dom.force.style.width = "1px"; this.dom.scroller =
        e("div." + this.s.dt.oClasses.sScrollBody, this.s.dt.nTableWrapper)[0]; this.dom.scroller.appendChild(this.dom.force); this.dom.scroller.style.position = "relative"; this.dom.table = e(">table", this.dom.scroller)[0]; this.dom.table.style.position = "absolute"; this.dom.table.style.top = "0px"; this.dom.table.style.left = "0px"; e(this.s.dt.nTableWrapper).addClass("DTS"); this.s.loadingIndicator && (this.dom.loader = e('<div class="dataTables_processing DTS_Loading">' + this.s.dt.oLanguage.sLoadingRecords + "</div>").css("display",
        "none"), e(this.dom.scroller.parentNode).css("position", "relative").append(this.dom.loader)); this.s.heights.row && "auto" != this.s.heights.row && (this.s.autoHeight = !1); this.fnMeasure(!1); this.s.ingnoreScroll = !0; this.s.stateSaveThrottle = this.s.dt.oApi._fnThrottle(function(){a.s.dt.oApi._fnSaveState(a.s.dt)}, 500); e(this.dom.scroller).on("scroll.DTS", function(){a._fnScroll.call(a)}); e(this.dom.scroller).on("touchstart.DTS", function(){a._fnScroll.call(a)}); this.s.dt.aoDrawCallback.push({fn:function(){a.s.dt.bInitialised &&
        a._fnDrawCallback.call(a)}, sName:"Scroller"}); e(g).on("resize.DTS", function(){a.fnMeasure(false); a._fnInfo()}); var b = !0; this.s.dt.oApi._fnCallbackReg(this.s.dt, "aoStateSaveParams", function(c, d){if (b && a.s.dt.oLoadedState){d.iScroller = a.s.dt.oLoadedState.iScroller; d.iScrollerTopRow = a.s.dt.oLoadedState.iScrollerTopRow; b = false} else{d.iScroller = a.dom.scroller.scrollTop; d.iScrollerTopRow = a.s.topRowFloat}}, "Scroller_State"); this.s.dt.oLoadedState && (this.s.topRowFloat = this.s.dt.oLoadedState.iScrollerTopRow ||
        0); e(this.s.dt.nTable).one("init.dt", function(){a.fnMeasure()}); this.s.dt.aoDestroyCallback.push({sName:"Scroller", fn:function(){e(g).off("resize.DTS"); e(a.dom.scroller).off("touchstart.DTS scroll.DTS"); e(a.s.dt.nTableWrapper).removeClass("DTS"); e("div.DTS_Loading", a.dom.scroller.parentNode).remove(); e(a.s.dt.nTable).off("init.dt"); a.dom.table.style.position = ""; a.dom.table.style.top = ""; a.dom.table.style.left = ""}})} else this.s.dt.oApi._fnLog(this.s.dt, 0, "Pagination must be enabled for Scroller")},
        _fnScroll:function(){var a = this, b = this.s.heights, c = this.dom.scroller.scrollTop, d; if (!this.s.skip && !this.s.ingnoreScroll)if (this.s.dt.bFiltered || this.s.dt.bSorted)this.s.lastScrollTop = 0;  else{this._fnInfo(); clearTimeout(this.s.stateTO); this.s.stateTO = setTimeout(function(){a.s.dt.oApi._fnSaveState(a.s.dt)}, 250); if (c < this.s.redrawTop || c > this.s.redrawBottom){var f = Math.ceil((this.s.displayBuffer - 1) / 2 * this.s.viewportRows); Math.abs(c - this.s.lastScrollTop) > b.viewport || this.s.ani?(d = parseInt(this._domain("physicalToVirtual",
                c) / b.row, 10) - f, this.s.topRowFloat = this._domain("physicalToVirtual", c) / b.row):(d = this.fnPixelsToRow(c) - f, this.s.topRowFloat = this.fnPixelsToRow(c, !1)); 0 >= d?d = 0:d + this.s.dt._iDisplayLength > this.s.dt.fnRecordsDisplay()?(d = this.s.dt.fnRecordsDisplay() - this.s.dt._iDisplayLength, 0 > d && (d = 0)):0 !== d % 2 && d++; if (d != this.s.dt._iDisplayStart && (this.s.tableTop = e(this.s.dt.nTable).offset().top, this.s.tableBottom = e(this.s.dt.nTable).height() + this.s.tableTop, b = function(){if (a.s.scrollDrawReq === null)a.s.scrollDrawReq =
                c; a.s.dt._iDisplayStart = d; a.s.dt.oApi._fnDraw(a.s.dt)}, this.s.dt.oFeatures.bServerSide?(clearTimeout(this.s.drawTO), this.s.drawTO = setTimeout(b, this.s.serverWait)):b(), this.dom.loader && !this.s.loaderVisible))this.dom.loader.css("display", "block"), this.s.loaderVisible = !0}this.s.lastScrollTop = c; this.s.stateSaveThrottle()}}, _domain:function(a, b){var c = this.s.heights, d; if (c.virtual === c.scroll)return b; var e = (c.scroll - c.viewport) / 2, j = (c.virtual - c.viewport) / 2; d = j / (e * e); if ("virtualToPhysical" === a){if (b < j)return Math.pow(b /
        d, 0.5); b = 2 * j - b; return 0 > b?c.scroll:2 * e - Math.pow(b / d, 0.5)}if ("physicalToVirtual" === a){if (b < e)return b * b * d; b = 2 * e - b; return 0 > b?c.virtual:2 * j - b * b * d}}, _fnDrawCallback:function(){var a = this, b = this.s.heights, c = this.dom.scroller.scrollTop, d = e(this.s.dt.nTable).height(), f = this.s.dt._iDisplayStart, j = this.s.dt._iDisplayLength, h = this.s.dt.fnRecordsDisplay(); this.s.skip = !0; this._fnScrollForce(); c = 0 === f?this.s.topRowFloat * b.row:f + j >= h?b.scroll - (h - this.s.topRowFloat) * b.row:this._domain("virtualToPhysical", this.s.topRowFloat *
        b.row); this.dom.scroller.scrollTop = c; this.s.baseScrollTop = c; this.s.baseRowTop = this.s.topRowFloat; var g = c - (this.s.topRowFloat - f) * b.row; 0 === f?g = 0:f + j >= h && (g = b.scroll - d); this.dom.table.style.top = g + "px"; this.s.tableTop = g; this.s.tableBottom = d + this.s.tableTop; d = (c - this.s.tableTop) * this.s.boundaryScale; this.s.redrawTop = c - d; this.s.redrawBottom = c + d; this.s.skip = !1; this.s.dt.oFeatures.bStateSave && null !== this.s.dt.oLoadedState && "undefined" != typeof this.s.dt.oLoadedState.iScroller?((c = (this.s.dt.sAjaxSource ||
        a.s.dt.ajax) && !this.s.dt.oFeatures.bServerSide?!0:!1) && 2 == this.s.dt.iDraw || !c && 1 == this.s.dt.iDraw) && setTimeout(function(){e(a.dom.scroller).scrollTop(a.s.dt.oLoadedState.iScroller); a.s.redrawTop = a.s.dt.oLoadedState.iScroller - b.viewport / 2; setTimeout(function(){a.s.ingnoreScroll = !1}, 0)}, 0):a.s.ingnoreScroll = !1; this.s.dt.oFeatures.bInfo && setTimeout(function(){a._fnInfo.call(a)}, 0); this.dom.loader && this.s.loaderVisible && (this.dom.loader.css("display", "none"), this.s.loaderVisible = !1)}, _fnScrollForce:function(){var a =
        this.s.heights; a.virtual = a.row * this.s.dt.fnRecordsDisplay(); a.scroll = a.virtual; 1E6 < a.scroll && (a.scroll = 1E6); this.dom.force.style.height = a.scroll > this.s.heights.row?a.scroll + "px":this.s.heights.row + "px"}, _fnCalcRowHeight:function(){var a = this.s.dt, b = a.nTable, c = b.cloneNode(!1), d = e("<tbody/>").appendTo(c), f = e('<div class="' + a.oClasses.sWrapper + ' DTS"><div class="' + a.oClasses.sScrollWrapper + '"><div class="' + a.oClasses.sScrollBody + '"></div></div></div>'); for (e("tbody tr:lt(4)", b).clone().appendTo(d); 3 >
        e("tr", d).length; )d.append("<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>"); e("div." + a.oClasses.sScrollBody, f).append(c); a = this.s.dt.nHolding || b.parentNode; e(a).is(":visible") || (a = "body"); f.appendTo(a); this.s.heights.row = e("tr", d).eq(1).outerHeight(); f.remove()}, _fnInfo:function(){if (this.s.dt.oFeatures.bInfo){var a = this.s.dt, b = a.oLanguage, c = this.dom.scroller.scrollTop, d = Math.floor(this.fnPixelsToRow(c, !1, this.s.ani) + 1), f = a.fnRecordsTotal(), h = a.fnRecordsDisplay(), c = Math.ceil(this.fnPixelsToRow(c + this.s.heights.viewport,
        !1, this.s.ani)), c = h < c?h:c, g = a.fnFormatNumber(d), i = a.fnFormatNumber(c), k = a.fnFormatNumber(f), l = a.fnFormatNumber(h), g = 0 === a.fnRecordsDisplay() && a.fnRecordsDisplay() == a.fnRecordsTotal()?b.sInfoEmpty + b.sInfoPostFix:0 === a.fnRecordsDisplay()?b.sInfoEmpty + " " + b.sInfoFiltered.replace("_MAX_", k) + b.sInfoPostFix:a.fnRecordsDisplay() == a.fnRecordsTotal()?b.sInfo.replace("_START_", g).replace("_END_", i).replace("_MAX_", k).replace("_TOTAL_", l) + b.sInfoPostFix:b.sInfo.replace("_START_", g).replace("_END_", i).replace("_MAX_",
        k).replace("_TOTAL_", l) + " " + b.sInfoFiltered.replace("_MAX_", a.fnFormatNumber(a.fnRecordsTotal())) + b.sInfoPostFix; (b = b.fnInfoCallback) && (g = b.call(a.oInstance, a, d, c, f, h, g)); a = a.aanFeatures.i; if ("undefined" != typeof a){d = 0; for (f = a.length; d < f; d++)e(a[d]).html(g)}}}}); h.defaults = {trace:!1, rowHeight:"auto", serverWait:200, displayBuffer:9, boundaryScale:0.5, loadingIndicator:!1}; h.oDefaults = h.defaults; h.version = "1.4.1"; "function" == typeof e.fn.dataTable && "function" == typeof e.fn.dataTableExt.fnVersionCheck && e.fn.dataTableExt.fnVersionCheck("1.10.0")?
        e.fn.dataTableExt.aoFeatures.push({fnInit:function(a){var b = a.oInit; new h(a, b.scroller || b.oScroller || {})}, cFeature:"S", sFeature:"Scroller"}):alert("Warning: Scroller requires DataTables 1.10.0 or greater - www.datatables.net/download"); e(i).on("preInit.dt.dtscroller", function(a, b){if ("dt" === a.namespace){var c = b.oInit.scroller, d = m.defaults.scroller; if (c || d)d = e.extend({}, c, d), !1 !== c && new h(b, d)}}); e.fn.dataTable.Scroller = h; e.fn.DataTable.Scroller = h; var k = e.fn.dataTable.Api; k.register("scroller()", function(){return this});
        k.register("scroller().rowToPixels()", function(a, b, c){var d = this.context; if (d.length && d[0].oScroller)return d[0].oScroller.fnRowToPixels(a, b, c)}); k.register("scroller().pixelsToRow()", function(a, b, c){var d = this.context; if (d.length && d[0].oScroller)return d[0].oScroller.fnPixelsToRow(a, b, c)}); k.register("scroller().scrollToRow()", function(a, b){this.iterator("table", function(c){c.oScroller && c.oScroller.fnScrollToRow(a, b)}); return this}); k.register("row().scrollTo()", function(a){var b = this; this.iterator("row",
        function(c, d){if (c.oScroller){var e = b.rows({order:"applied", search:"applied"}).indexes().indexOf(d); c.oScroller.fnScrollToRow(e, a)}}); return this}); k.register("scroller.measure()", function(a){this.iterator("table", function(b){b.oScroller && b.oScroller.fnMeasure(a)}); return this}); k.register("scroller.page()", function(){var a = this.context; if (a.length && a[0].oScroller)return a[0].oScroller.fnPageInfo()}); return h});